Monday, September 10, 2007


This question, "Is Poetry A Dying Art Form?" I have asked myself time and time again and I keep coming up with the same answer. NO, poetry will never die or be a lost art form.
First of all, it is a gift from God Allah or whatever name you choose to call Him? Writing is a gift of itself and poetry is one of those special gifts that comes from deep inside our being. Poets are able to speak with words like no other art form on the face of this blessed earth. We see it, we write. We feel it, we write. We taste it, we write. We hear it, we write. We move, we dance, we excite and romance and we write about it.
We paint pictures with our words that readers can see and feel it. Everything in life touches us to our center and when the words start to flow we must write them down and continue until it has flowed out of us completely on a particular topic.

One thing I do understand about poetry is this; we all have our own audience and not everyone will like what we write about. And that's okay, because we don't write to please everybody. With poets there will be a select audience that we will be able to touch and for them; we write. On the other hand there are some poets who will be able to touch the masses and that is truly a unique gift. There are so many styles and the list is endless. No two poets will every write the same, but they will have simularities.

There are some poets who thunder out their words and stir up the ethers. Then there are some poets who tread softly through the sands of time no upsetting or causing any type of disturbance; but will gently awaken your soul. We also have the love poets who tickle the heart strings of those in love. Then there are some poets who throw off the covers of what some people think is hidden from sight. Poets are revealers of truth, consolers of the broken hearted, encouragers of the faint and weak of mind. Poets sing words that dance up and down your spiritual spine and can spew out words that can put you on a path of truth and enlightenment. Poets open the eyes and every other sense in your being. And when it is all said and down you will know you have been in the presense of a true Poet.

With me poetry is like the air I breathe, the water I drink and I can't do without either one of them. Poetry is a part of who I am, and since I know this is gift given to me by Father God Allah, it must be read and heard by those whom He desires to touch with our words.

Words can break and shape a nation and fill a void with a revelation. Words will educate, separate, and eradicate. Words will tear down, turn around, and make you sound; Words will ease the soul, encourage the old, and warm a heart that's cold. Words will shine a light on the Truth, and cause your mind to seek proof. Words are powerful when used in a righteous way and will lift your spirit everytime you pray.

I love words that rhyme because they thrill my mind and cause my nights to shines. Is Poetry A Dying Art; I Think NOT!!!

So I asked you again, "Do You Think Poetry Is A Dying Art?" According to The Holy Books words will always have life and power.

When Creator God said, "Let there be light." And there was light. Words were from the beginning of time whether it was the spoken word in thought or verbally that set everything in motion; "A Word." There is power in the words of a poet when we use our words in a Righteous way. We have the power in our words to uplift and mend a split in a nation.

Here is a line from one of my favorite poems: "The Words You Speak Will Never Die But They Live On The Truth And A Lie" Copyright © 1997 Written by Ruth Sadi El A poet will be remembered by the words spoken good or bad, right or wrong and positive or negative. We must ask ourselves what words will we want to be remembered by?



Peace and Love, Ruth Sadi El, Author/Poetess/Artist

Copyright © 2007 by the Poetess Ruth Sadi El

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is Poetry A Dying Art? I don't think so. Truthfully, I once again discovered how much I enjoy poems. My friend, Alyce wrote a poem for me when I asked her to "sing me a poem," I had had a emotional dream. That poem is posted on I also have a book of poetry I've carried with me for many years titled American Negro Poetry with many of the classics.
I would love it if you would go to myspace blog and post your words of universal love. Several writers and I have pronunced September the month of love because of the 9/11 attacks. Thank you for sharing.